Vibe coin novinky dnes


Cena digitální měny bitcoin ve čtvrtek prudce klesla, v jednu chvíli odepisovala skoro deset procent a dostala se zhruba na 31 310 dolarů (přes 672 600 Kč). Kryptoměna se tak ještě více vzdálila rekordu z 8. ledna, kdy se její cena přiblížila 42 000 dolarům (asi 902 200 Kč). Investoři se obávají možné regulace kryptoměn ze strany nové americké vlády.

2017 došlo k tzv. hard forku, kdy se od Bitcoinu oddělila nová měna, o které se její tvůrci snaží tvrdit, že je to nový bitcoin, přičemž většina bitcoinové komunity zastává názor, že to vlastně není žádné rozdělení a takto vzniklý Bitcoin Cash je další altcoin v řadě. Bitcoin Cash se následně také rozštěpil a dnes jsou těchto tzv. forků desítky.

Vibe coin novinky dnes

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Viberate (VIB) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Viberate has a current supply of 200,000,000 with 195,809,794.4315971 in circulation. Vibe Coin is a platform designed to combine the benefits of blockchain with the emerging trend of virtual reality. The developers want to create new virtual spaces, which, among other things, make it possible to hold business meetings, attend live events, take part in sporting events and meet new people.

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Vibe coin novinky dnes

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Vibe coin novinky dnes

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Vibe Coin is a platform designed to combine the benefits of blockchain with the emerging trend of virtual reality. The developers want to create new virtual spaces, which, among other things, make it possible to hold business meetings, attend live events, take part in sporting events and meet new people. The VIBE SDK is an all in one game development tool kit. From transactional support for VIBE, BTC, ETH, LINK, and NEO to node management and the ChainLink oracle service.

VIBE price is down -2.3% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 190 Million VIBE coins and a max supply of 267 Million. Uniswap (v2) is the current most active market trading it. VIBE quick stats; Algorithmic score : 3.4/5 (#304) Market cap $1,573,890: Mkt. Cap. Rank 1170 24h volume $42,183 Circulating supply: 260,136,427 Total supply Cryptocurrency Market & Coin Exchange report, prediction for the future: You'll find the VIBE Price prediction below.

Vibe Coin is a platform designed to combine the benefits of blockchain with the emerging trend of virtual reality. The developers want to create new virtual spaces, which, among other things, make it possible to hold business meetings, attend live events, take part in sporting events and meet new people. The VIBE SDK is an all in one game development tool kit. From transactional support for VIBE, BTC, ETH, LINK, and NEO to node management and the ChainLink oracle service. The VIBE SDK is a one-stop-shop for game developers and companies seeking fast, secure, gasless transactions for VIBE, BTC, ETH, LINK, and NEO. Ahoj tradeři, kurz Bitcoinu od minulého týdne dosáhl očekávaných 50 tis. USD a dostal se tak do zóny 50-55 tis. USD, o které jsem psal, že by mohla být další velmi silnou rezistencí a je velmi pravděpodobné, že Bitcoin někde v této zóně najde další swingový vrchol.

VIBE price is down -2.3% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 190 Million VIBE coins and a max supply of 267 Million. Uniswap (v2) is the current most active market trading it. V dnešním týdenním přehledu ze světa kryptoměn se podíváme na tržní kapitalizaci, které Bitcoin dosáhl.

Uniswap (v2) is the current most active market trading it.

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VIBE price today is $0.00514224 with a 24-hour trading volume of $15,051.24. VIBE price is down -2.3% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 190 Million VIBE coins and a max supply of 267 Million. Uniswap (v2) is the current most active market trading it.